At Your Service
The Digital Dining Room was created by Téa Silvestre Godfrey of Story Bistro.
Téa teaches and coaches all participants of the Digital Dining Room with the help of small business technology coach, Lisa Burger.
Learn more about them here…
Hello and welcome! I’m Tea (pronounced Tay’ah)
You’re like me.
You’ve found your true calling as an entrepreneur, but that long list of marketing-things-the-experts-say-you-must-do makes you itch.
And you swear that if you hear one more timeabout a Road Map to 6-Figures, you’ll seriously puke.
I soooo get it. I feel like that Every. Single. Day.
You’re safe here: I won’t make you promises I can’t keep.
After spending my whole adult life as a marketer, I can tell you the Marketing Industrial Complex is real.
It’s big and slimy and oozing with mediocrity. And it exists solely to feed on our checking accounts.
Thing is, we can’t throw the baby out with the bath water.
If we don’t find a way to share who we are and what we do, our businesses will fail.
Those dreams and visions we have of changing the world? Those will fail, too.
Also? We don’t all start out creating Purple Cows. Most of us need a little time to jigger things; to clarify what we’re doing and who we serve before we get to kick-ass awesome.
Until then, what we can do is Be Human. Share our stories. Listen to each other. Be there for each other.
That’s why I started Story Bistro. And the Digital Dining Room.
So I could help small biz owners like you connect their Big Why to those who need to hear about it.
What’s different here is the emphasis on relationships and storytelling (and the de-emphasis on traditional marketing stuff like benchmarks, conversion rates, and other sorts of comparisons).
I’m not saying those things aren’t important. I’m just not interested in championing them.
Never have been.
I’m much more curious about our motivations, conversations and how those build and deepen our connections with others.
In other words, my mission here is to help you learn to tell your most engaging and authentic stories; how to listen deeply to your audience and prospective customers; and how to put all of that together in a way that brings you more clients, more prosperity and more joy.
If you’d like to learn more, visit
About Lisa
Think of Lisa Burger as the guidance counselor of technology for small businesses. Lisa coaches small business owners on which of today’s many online services and apps align with their unique business – and she does so in a fun and approachable manner.
You may be surprised to discover how much technology plays a role in your marketing and business efforts. While you’re a part of the Digital Dining Room group, Lisa is here to answer your tech related questions (in our private Facebook group), so you don’t fall behind when the things get a little “techy.”
Tea’s an amazing mentor, coach and all around awesome person. I’ve learned and accomplished more from participating in her programs than all of the others combined (and there’ve been many!!).
Gloria Miele, Stronger LeaderTea’s Digital Dining Room program has helped me to think differently — on a daily basis — about who my target clients are and the best way to communicate with them. That’s huge! Tea’s advice is current and savvy and you know you are on the cutting edge when working with her.
Holly Higbee-Jansen, Jansen Photo ExplorationsTea is a standout amongst mentors. She teaches you to fish. She shares generously, offers wisdom, insight and actionable plans to help you reach your goals. Don’t know how to identify goals that will work for you? There’s guidance for that too. Tea, a gifted wordsmith, connects and creates supportive communities.
Julia Hayes, Sharing Life Recipes