Click the title of the Brunch & Learn you want to watch to open it and see the full assignment for that month.
Storytelling and Content Strategy to Grow Your Business
First, watch this month’s Brunch & Learn recording: Your Test Kitchen mission: Identify Your Top Business Goal for Final Quarter of this year (October thru December 2013) Brainstorm Your Topics (At least 5) (Do an inventory of your current content) Create an...Heart-Centered Email Marketing
First, catch up on our meeting here: Your Mission: Part One: Treasure Hunt Pay attention to which emails you decide to open and read. Copy the subject lines of at least 15 emails that you choose to read over the course of a few days. Make notes about WHY you decided...Blog Smart: Make Every Word Count
First, watch this month’s Brunch & Learn recording: Your Test Kitchen mission: Identify 3 places where your content creation habits could stand improvement. Identify 1 topic you could develop that would further your biz goals (your Content Strategy for Q4...Brunch & Learn: Create Programs & Packages that Help You AND Your Clients Succeed
First, catch up on the lesson here: Your Mission Do an inventory of your existing content. Mindmap ONE program or package and… Name it, describe how it aligns with your brand. Describe WHO it’s perfect for. List the content you might discuss and the pricing you might...Your Ideal Client as Hero: The Character Sketch
First, watch this month’s Brunch & Learn recording: Your Test Kitchen mission: 1. Create an Ideal Client Character Sketch that showcases the important things about your Hero: Their back story – how did they get where they are today? What have been their...
Who’s That Villain? What Stands in the Way of Your Client Getting What She Wants?
First, watch the replay here: Your Test Kitchen Mission: Brainstorm at least two villains for each quadrant (Internal/External and Conscious/Unconscious). Pick ONE that would be the best for you to tackle right now. Create an Avatar for this Villain (with a visual)...How to Use Social Media to Bloom Your Online Relationships
First, catch up on our meeting here: Your Mission: 1. Perform this 10-Day Experiment Pick a new(ish) or ignored channel Download this worksheet Use the worksheet as a guide. Spend 10 minutes per day on the tasks as outlined and keep track of your findings and...
It’s ALL Marketing: The Importance of Systems for Your Business (and Peace of Mind)
First, watch the replay here: Your Test Kitchen Mission: Block out time on your calendar to wear your CEO & Manager Hats. Tell us what times you chose & why. Outline your agendas for those meetings. Pick ONE piece of your business to systematize this month....Brunch & Learn: Heartfelt Sales Conversations (with Susanna Maida)
First, watch the recording of our meeting: Your Mission: Design a Discovery Session. Name it, describe how it aligns with your main offer. Highlight the benefits of having one. List the content you might discuss. Invite your cohort to practice. Set a time/date with at...Elements of Your Branding Story & Using Them Effectively
First, watch this month’s Brunch & Learn recording: Your Test Kitchen mission: Do an inventory of your assets (see Week 1 of the Find Your Secret Sauce course on ruzuku for help, if needed) Find the best THREE to incorporate into your branding — one...Email Marketing: Better Relationships, More Sales
First, watch this month’s Brunch & Learn recording: Your Test Kitchen mission: Identify three questions you think will be of value in building relationships Include any giveaway info if needed (why did they sign-up in the first place?) Write the email and...Content Strategy: How to Nourish Your Audience AND Your Business with the Best Content
Review the recording below… Your Mission: Mindmap/brainstorm content topics for the next 6 months. Share your topics with us in an outline/calendar. Indicate how these topics support your biz/revenue goals. Indicate what format you’ll use and why. Indicate how...Your Signature Dish: How to Create & Price
Review the Brunch & Learn recording here: Your Test Kitchen Mission: 1. Mindmap your Signature Product. Make sure it answers these two questions: > What do you want to be known for? What are your super powers? > What are the benefits of each feature? 2....Sales Pages: Stories You Need to Tell to Create Action
First, watch the Brunch & Learn lesson here: Your Test Kitchen Mission: 1.Write a Letter to your Ideal Client. Use your starter recipe: What’s the Problem? Why does it persist? What’s possible? Why you/why this solution? Call to Action 2.What are the benefits of...Brunch & Learn: Happily Launch and Promote Your Offer
Your Mission This Month: Tell us how you want to FEEL before, during, after your launch. Using your revenue goal for your launch or for a particular offer, plan out and calendar your marketing efforts for ONE campaign. Tell us the ideal number of people you need to...How to Apply Dinner Party Planning to Your Marketing Campaigns
First, watch the replay here: Your Test Kitchen Mission: Using your revenue goal for July, plan out and calendar your marketing efforts for June/July. (Click here to download my marketing calendar template.) Tell us the ideal number of people you need to get in front...