There’s Theory. And Then There’s Practice.
We tackle both and then some.
To help you create and implement your own Business Story Framework, you’ll have access to hundreds of hours of learning modules and video tutorials — each of which focuses on one aspect of the Biz Story Framework.
Each module includes a lesson and a “mission” to help you put that learning to immediate use. Each module also includes a Secret Supper video (where either a guest mentor or myself shares how we approach that tactic or strategy in our own businesses). And each module wraps up with an integration Q&A video with questions about implementation from previous DDR members.
Topics you’ll learn about (from the Business Story Framework) include…
Your Heroic Ideal Client
Who is your ideal client and what does she hunger for? She has a history, motivations and goals. When you know what those are, you’ll be better able to find her and connect with her.
Content Strategy
Nourish Your Audience via Your Content. Improve your storytelling skills and create intentional messages that feed your prospects exactly what they need to know in order to hire you. Learn how to to consistently inspire, educate and create community via your blog.
Deepen Online Relationships
Warm up your social media strategy: Which channel(s) are right for telling your story and reaching your ideal customers? How much should you automate your social media presence? We’ll look at how to tell a story using these tools so that you build engagement and deepen relationships.
Turn Up the Flavor of Your Brand
Your Brand’s Story: As the mentor to your hero, it’s important to understand your own super powers and passions and how to share them so you get noticed and loved for exactly who you are.
Small Bites Via Email Marketing
Short Stories via Email: From newsletters to autoresponders (and the tech behind it all), learn how to confidently use one of the most important marketing tools in your kitchen to deepen relationships with your audience and prospective clients.
Love-filled Sales Conversations
One-on-one sales conversations that expand your business: Just as we knead dough in a rhythmic way to help it take form and expand, our sales conversations will also follow a particular rhythm and flow. Infusing that rhythm with the passion you have for what you do is the yeast that makes it all work together.
Systems for Equilibrium
Marketing systems to stabilize and balance the growth of your business. We’ll discover which tools you need to keep yourself grounded, on-track, and ready to handle additional clients.
Packages & Programs
Package Your Existing Content and Knowledge: Preserving and repurposing is a great way to extend the life of content you’ve already created. We’ll look at how to take blog posts, social media posts, and email newsletters and turn them into evergreen programs and products.
Plan Your Launch
Campaigns are like dinner parties. They require a lot of planning to pull together and implement. We’ll look at all the details that go into creating a launch plan that works for you and your business.
Intensive Planning
Spend an entire day soaking up the flavors of your marketing plan. We’ll take time to reflect, dream, and set measurable goals that take you just outside your comfort zone and into your most flavorful year of business yet.
WordPress 101
Learn how to manage your WordPress website using these video tutorials. Several topics to choose from.