First, watch the replay here:
Your Test Kitchen Mission:
- Block out time on your calendar to wear your CEO & Manager Hats. Tell us what times you chose & why.
- Outline your agendas for those meetings.
- Pick ONE piece of your business to systematize this month. This could be related to marketing, sales, customer service, operations…anything you do over and over.
- Spend TWO weeks documenting what happens & when with that piece; identify what needs to improve & how you’ll get answers.
- EXTRA CREDIT: Use this new information to write a blog post for your site. (I’ll share all blog post links in a round-up/case study post that I do at the end of April.)
Post your answers to the above in the forum under the Systems category (no later than Monday, April 21st at noon, Pacific). Those who meet this due date will be entered to win a FREE one-year Costco membership.
Remember: If you get stuck or you’d like help on something, please post your questions in our Facebook group!
For additional review, download the slides.
Extra Reading:
What is Marketing? (Blog post)
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (Book)
E-Myth Revisited (Book)