Your Test Kitchen Mission (Due Monday, May 20th)
Part I – Write a Want Ad* for Mastermind Members:
- Bullet points for qualities needed
- Focus/Topic
- Meeting structure preferred
- What you have to offer
Part II – Write Group Guidelines:
- Outline ground rules
- Decide on deal-breakers
Post your finished projects to the Forum (see the Community link from the DDR Dashboard) underĀ Looking to Join a Mastermind Group?
We’ll begin giving feedback on these on May 21st.
*Even if you’re already in a Mastermind Group, do this exercise. Just be sure to make a note at the bottom of your post to that effect.
You can download the slides here; and the audio here.
Questions? Please leave them in a comment below. Thanks!
Hi Tea,
I have re-written the submission a few times after reflecting on the more detailed submissions from the other members, which has helped me understand more about MM groups.